Tuesday, December 31, 2019

My Positives of 2019 + Special Thanks

Well! It's nearly the end of the decade. Crazy to think about for me. It's the first decade where I vividly remember what happened throughout the ten years. Ten years ago I was creating Super Mario levels on the now defunct website, pouetpu-games. Here I am in the present now still creating art, having part time job, and finally with my own personal website and blog. Made a ton of friends throughout the decade(some I still talk too) and just had a great and memorable decade. I really want to get this out before 2020 so here's a list of positive things that went on.


  • Developed my art to the quality I imagined.
  • Got hired. Am now working part time.
  • Got accepted to my dream college @ The School of Visual Arts.
  • Made several comic series' such as Savory.
  • Gained a small following on social media.
  • Taught myself website design and created my own personal website.
  • Traveled to several states in the US.
  • Made an Animation!
  • Solved a Rubiks Cube
  • Submitted my speedruns and made some WR runs.
  • some more i don't know about rn lol :P

And now to end this off, a thanks to those who help make my 2010 a great one:
mrmudkip2, Markeyruiz97, JacobLenstar, AsaphGetMoney, zachyouidiot, ToastDemon, Waltmann13, madjackrabbit, fancipansy, rachetcartoons, BemboDavis, mimkaylah, Absement, DragonRatTiger, aimkidblast, uwilmod, Dom000000, jammkamm, HypraSeaPea, tashmondimps, NoahPasternak, AfroNinjna360, flabbyfinn, hdittus13, Slorps101, Jawaddles, Majuv_, Polygon_Joe, Paper_Rag, TylerSap2001, LoggoFrog, d00dleJam, birdlegscass, emilyzullo, N202_, _alextwt, Inkwell1931, spacefunkyarp, JayyCoal, benthelooney, daviddoodlez, CoolioDavid, benthelooney, Nebrasko45, ambsomething, autumncityxo, flawlessblooper, milopatop, drawnwithoutref, heycanyoustop, stephen_tortellini, kaitoonist, sn1gzy, the.cheesyboy, JoshKeys, GoDieDutchbag, AxeToday, BARACK_08BAMA, fliglaba, universalidiocy, marrii1n, boredacious, thegalaxytoon, dignitydingus, hc.artz, theprophetawakens, TherealDariousR, maaarc_, AzokoLoko, NolanTrashZone, TheMadmanBob, SonicFrenzy76, IsaiahA_2000, freezepork, RaniSagaz, yuripr1ncess, animator320, BlurayLuray, vicdrawscomics, Leeyum_G, JeffMovieMan, Mookid_, CarlLeCat, IllmasterT, mohatoons, DoiDuh, marc_acrylic, ArcadeAmerica, MrJimmysteel25, butternoodles_, YaddingtonJ141, buniuo, MrCrackerpants, MarioMaster7771, DRM, luigibonus, Zeldamaster12, CannedBreadz, LightSage1331, ZidaneZ,

Special Thanks to:
zachyoudiot, ToastDemon, AsaphGetMoney, madjackrabbit, rachetcartoons, JacobLenstar, mimkaylah, Absement, TylerSap2001, Inkwell1931, fancipansy, flabbyfinn, emilyzullo, marrii1n, flawlessblooper, AzokoLoko,

See you all in 2020! Cheers! :)